Thursday, April 16, 2009

My views on the Linux distros I've tried

I've tried 3 Linux distros: Ubuntu, Mandriva and OpenSUSE.

Below I'll give my views on these Linux distros:


Ubunntu was the first Linux distribution I used.
I started using Ubuntu with version6.06 Dapper Drake, and then used Edgy Eft and Feisty Fawn.
One of the good things aboout Ubuntu is that its parent company Canonical Ltd. ships free Ubuntu CDs to anywhere in the world for free (including free postage) so people in areas where Internet connection is slow can get Ubuntu.

Ubuntu has three official versions each with a different desktop environment, Ubuntu (GNOME desktop environment), Kubuntu (KDE desktop enironment) and Xubuntu (Xfce desktop environent).

I think the same distribution with different desktop environment should not have different names, and there should only be one Ubuntu, as this is simpler.

Ubuntu has very good hardware support.

Compiz Fusion works out of the box on most computers with capable graphics card I've tried.


Mandriva is the second distribution I tried after Ubuntu.

I tried the Mandriva One LiveCD.

Mandriva has a number of unique features.

The most important one is probably its all-in-one system administration utility called the Mandriva Control Center.

The Mandriva control Center includes components for controlling, configuring and administrating nearly everything in a Mandriva Linux installation including software installation, firewall, samba, apache etc.

Another feature is its customized KDE.

This is much more beautiful and easy to use than normal KDE.

Another features is its unique and beautiful artwork.

Everything from the bootsplash to the desktop is very beautiful and professional looking and is consistent with each other.

Another feature is its excellent hardware detection.

Compiz Fusion works out-of-the box on my computer.

Mandriva also has some problems (at least on my computer).

It is less stable than Ubuntu and slows down or crashes more often than Ubuntu.


OpenSUSE is the third Linux distribution I've tried and is probably the best one I've tried.